Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lomo Love

We've just processed our first roll of black & white Neopan 400 roll exposed with Lubitel 166B, that Russian beauty!

Wanna see them all? Why not head down to our Lomo Love album? We also have lots of other lomographs taken with other toy cameras like the Holga 135BC, Vivitar UWS & lots more!

In our next post, we'll include our first tutorial for those interested in the art of lomography. So stay tuned guys, there'll be more to come in the future!

We'll be heading out to Fort Canning Park later in the evening for an Alumni's Diwali's celebration, so if you're there do drop by & say hello to us.

Don't forget to leave some shoutouts on our Facebook wall alright?

Cheers, & Happy Halloween everyone!

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